First Malaysian drama series by iflix, the world's leading entertainment service for emerging markets...
The ambitious local production chronicles the dark underbelly of KL's gang syndicates which pushes boundaries, with grittier and edgier depiction of true action-packed crime.
GO organised a visually stimulating, star-studded, red carpet launch event befitting such an aggressive and herculean production in true crime style at Suzie Wong, one of KL's leading boutique bars, set to look like a scene straight out of the crime drama.
Fully attended by the production's A-list actors and producers in a glamorous event.
> RM 4 Mil in PR Value
Coverage included numerous full spreads in local dailies and magazines, TV features and prominent online and social media presence
> Over 100 Media Attended
> 20 Mil Viewers
On the first day of online streaming